It’s that cold and flu time of year and we often have lots of patients who try to still make it in to their dental appointment. We appreciate your dedication and you’re willingness to suffer through that stuffy nose to stay on track with your oral health goals. Let me be the one to give you a free pass! If you are not feeling well, even with a cold, we are asking you to reschedule your appointment. With the recent development of the Coronavirus we are acting with extra caution. This virus is still very new to our health care system and we are trying to prevent the spread of anything unknown to us not to mention we do have patients that are already immune compromised. So if you have recently come down with a cold, flu, fever or have a rash of any type we kindly ask you to reschedule at a later date. Now, I can’t speak for everyone but I’m going to assume your doctor, hair dresser, and work place will feel the same way. Leave your germs at home please! We love seeing you but not that much ;)