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Dental Technology
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We are 


when it comes to


Digital X-Rays

At Waterdown Dental, we are fully digital when it comes to radiography whether that be check up pictures or a panoramic x-ray that gives us detail on wisdom teeth, jaw health and to rule out pathology such as oral cancers.  


Digital radiography allows us to have a better image of your teeth in higher definition.  Although dental radiography has extremely low radiation exposure to the patient even in analog format, digital radiography further reduces the amount of radiation that is exposed.  


Radiation exposure is measured in millisieverts (mSv).   An average 7 hour plane ride will expose you to 0.02 mSv.   To put that into perspective one dental x-ray will expose you to 0.005 mSv.   You would need to have about 16 dental radiographs to reach the exposure of a 7 hour flight. 

Digital X-Rays
Dental Technology
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the air you breathe

Surgically Clean Air Units

At Waterdown Dental, we purify the air you breathe to protect you from airborne pathogens that may be present.  


We use air filtration units called Surgically Clean Air Units to achieve this.   We have several of these units positioned throughout our office and one large refrigerator size unit in a central location.   These units are used in hospital settings as well as sports teams such as The Toronto Maple Leafs and the Toronto Raptors to help prevent pathogens from getting you sick when breathing in.  

Surgically Clean Air Units
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Surgically Clean Air units create clean air quality in our office

AIIR Units

AIIR Units or Airborne Infection Isolation and Removal units have been deployed in every one of our operatories.    These units are domed shaped devices that hover over the patient head as we work.   The dome creates negative pressure that sucks up any aerosols that we generate and filters the directly into a HEPA filter and UV light treatment. 


These are at source units meaning it is intended to to prevent aerosols from being circulated in the air and when used in tandem with the Surgically Clean Air units creates clean air quality in our office

AIIR Units
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Track and ensure all equipment has been sterilized and disinfected properly

Sterilwize AI

Sterilization is the backbone in creating a safe environment for patients. 


We have adopted and electronic tracking system called Sterilwize to track and ensure that all our equipment has been sterilized and disinfected properly.  Each staff member wears and electronic bracelet so that who was the handler during a specific sterilization step can be tracked. 


Furthermore, the system ensures that all parameters of heat and pressure within our sterilization units are met and the results are recorded and tracked.   The instruments that we use on you can easily be tracked as to when they were sterilized, by who and whether the required and heat requirements were met during that specific sterilization cycle.   If these parameters are not met, the system will not allow for the instruments to be used in circulation. 

Sterilwize AI
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Far more accurate than traditional impressions

Primescan Digital Scanner

This is a digital scanner system can digitally scan your teeth or entire mouth.  It can be used to scan the work that we do such as crowns, bridges and implants, and send them directly to the laboratory for prosthetic fabrication.  The scan is more accurate than traditional impressions that we take of your mouth.  


Furthermore, because we do not need to take a physical impression, it helps with patient comfort, especially for those that gag easily.  


Primescan is also a tool that can be used to deliver orthodontic treatment through the SureSmile program, which are clear aligners to straighten teeth and is similar to the Invasalign system.

Primescan Digital Scanner
Intra-loral Camera System
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A picture is 

worth a thousands


Intra-loral Camera System

It can often difficult to explain in words the rationale for treatment recommended.   After all, you cannot see what we are describing.   A picture tells a thousand words and so we have incorporated intra-oral camera systems.   This system can take a close up picture of your tooth and show you exactly what we are explaining.    This brings comfort to patients as they can see and understand why their treatment is recommended

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